Yard sales are a great way to earn money from your unwanted items. You will be able to declutter your house as well. Small items will earn you a couple of bucks. Bigger items will bring in more. Garage sales can be toilsome most especially if you are bargaining away a lot of items. These tips will help you plan and execute a successful garage sale without the added stress and headache.
- Fix a schedule
Check your schedule first before deciding on a date. You may also want to check on the weather ahead of time. Most garage sales happen on a weekend morning. If your neighbor is holding one and your purpose of having a garage sale is to earn rather than to declutter, then choose another date for yours.
- Check for permits
Some cities will require a permit if you are to hold a garage sale. Check with your town or city hall if you need one. Having a garage sale without a required permit can cause you some fines.
- Advertise
Let people know that you are having a garage sale. You can put up signs, go for a newspaper ad, or post online and on your social media accounts. Spread the word well and you will have more customers.
- Prepare the area
Consider your space outside when having a yard sale. Clear the area and make sure passersby will be able to see the sale. You will need tables to put the smaller items and chairs if people need to sit. If you are selling clothing items or accessories, you will need a mirror. If you are selling toys or small appliances, you will need batteries, power cords, and extension wires.
- Price items individually and rightly
It is best to price items individually however numerous they are. If you price them by area or by box, the tendency is that the items will get mixed together or will be regrouped. If people swarm your yard sale, you will no longer know or will tend to forget how much is which item. You also need to consider the price. Most customers will expect a really low price. So don’t price items at 50% of their original price. Some will just walk away if they see it’s priced too high.
- Be fully prepared
You will need money safe to put your earnings. You will also need a few small bills and some coins for you to be able to give change to customers easily.
- Prepare your goods
Prepare your items a few days before the yard sale. Doing so will help you check for damage, scratches, tears, etc. So you can price the items well. Put clothes on hangers and put them in racks. Put smaller items on the table or in boxes. Make sure breakables are safe. If you are selling large items like a couch, mattress, dishwasher, etc., make sure you have a helping hand to help you place them carefully outside. If you don’t, you can opt for junk removal Denver or hire professionals to do it for you. They don’t come expensive so you won’t have to worry about that.
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